Secure and Seamless Logistic service

We deliver logistic solution through sea, air, rail and road transports at a competitive quote

Our Services
Fastest growing logistic company

Saturnor Shipping Services is one of the fastest growing and a perfect strategic partner for your business. Our global network provides end-to-end solutions you need to operate effectively and with 100% efficiency. Explore our service offered below.

    Freight Forwarding
    Air Freight
    Rail Transport
    Road Transport
    Custom Clearance
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About us
Secure and Seamless Logistic service

When it comes to reliable and seamless logistic service solutions, Saturnor are always there for you. At the base level the first thing that we do understands your requirements. We cut short all the lengthy processes and do the desired task under one roof. We have build a well made connections with NVOCC and Main Line operators (MLO) for the best in class services. We monitor every consignment from start to end and we shall provide at most support throughout the entire process.

Our Story So Far..

Saturnor is molded by Arthik Vishu who has started his career in shipping industry 12 years back as a backend data entry executive. With the years rolled by he updated his skills and knowledge on shipping and promoted as account executive. He has experience in agent SOA verifications and he has experience with dealing wide range of agents across the world. As a principle agent SOA he handled 50+ agents (Middle East, Far East and Southern Asia) all over the world. With determination he started Saturnor to provide reliable, Safe, cost effective logistic solutions for the businesses to scale up.